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'Brit Olam' Post-Shavuot
Celebration Concert in Jerusalem
On May 23, 2018, Ayelet HaShachar performed a full concert at Matan Seminary in Jerusalem to an enthusiastic crowd of old and new fans. The performance was preceded by stirring words of Torah by Rabbanit Shani Taragin and Rabbanit Rachelle Sprecher Fraenkel.
Despite living 6,000 miles apart, the band was as tight as ever and its songs as uplifting as always. The music was made even more beautiful by superb acoustics and excellent sound engineering.

Home in the Promised Land Concert
Ayelet HaShachar performed a very special Baltimore concert on August 6, 2017 to wish our dear bandmate, Stephanie, a tzatchem l'Shalom before she made Aliyah.
Our fans packed the house and many, many remarked that it was the most amazing and special Ayelet HaShachar concert ever!
The concert was videotaped and a video of the concert is available for those who couldn't make it or want to relive that special evening. Contact us if you'd like a copy!

AH at the ATARA Conference
In early March, Ayelet HaShachar performed for an electrified, enthusiastic standing room only crowd of over 500 women Motzei Shabbos at the ATARA Conference in Baltimore. The following day, we gave a matinee performance as well as taught a workshop on starting and running a women's band. Check out this article in the Jewish Press about the ATARA Conference and Ayelet HaShachar's performance there.

Living on two different continents makes it much harder to perform together, but we'll let you know when we're planning our next Ayelet HaShachar concert!

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